Sioux Falls PizzaRev Closes Doors Until Further Notice
PizzaRev Restaurant at 3901 West 49th Street in Sioux Falls is the latest restaurant to close its doors citing staffing challenges as the reason.
They posted on their Facebook page that “Sioux Falls PizzaRev will be closed until further notice due to the current staffing shortage. We are sorry for any inconvenience.”
PizzaRev describes itself as a “national movement that’s all about empowering you to “Craft Your Own Pizza. You call all the shots. You pick out your dough, sauce, cheese, and toppings and our pizza crafters work with you to make your own pizza right before your eyes”

Some of the comments posted on Facebook about the Pizza restaurant's temporary closing include...
Jvonne Heard-Ellingson: Sad thing is the employees working will probably go elsewhere for a job and won’t come back! Therefore, they may never reopen!
Shelby Nelson: Why not close down dine-in and focus on online orders only? Less time spent dealing with people who can’t figure out what they want while holding up the whole line.
Faith Thompson: Noooooo
Joshua Schroeder: There are no such things as staffing shortages. There are only pay shortages. If you pay more, people will work. The only shortage right now is a shortage of people who are still fooled into the idea that their time away from their children and loved ones is worth a measly $10-12 an hour. During COVID I got to experience so many memories with my children I wouldn't have seen if I was in the office 40+ hours a week. Hard to put a price tag on that.
Kay Lynn Andera Eden: Sad to see a favorite of ours to go also.
Theresa Thorne: It’s not the only business in town going through a shortage of employees star bucks on east 10 cut hours from 5 am - 2 pm because nobody to work nights it’s sad that we don’t have people to fill positions but I guess we have a lot cuz they’re building all these apartments all over the city.