See the Original Star Wars on the Big Screen for Free in Luverne
If you never got to see the original Star Wars on the big screen you can for free this month.
The Palace Theater in Luverne is showing Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope on August 31st for free at 7:00 pm. Starting at 5:30 pm you can get photos taken with characters from the 501st Legion, who are the people you see wearing the authentic costumes at events.
I'm not going to lie, typing that whole big long title hurt my soul. To me it's just Star Wars.
The original Star Wars was released on May 25, 1977. I missed seeing it in theaters because I was three months old. I first saw it on a square TV on VHS or HBO in the early 1980's. I finally got to see it on the big screen when George Lucas' butchered "special edition" was released in 1997 prior to the release of the then forthcoming prequels.
It's not clear if it will be the original theatrical release or the digitally modified version, probably the latter, but I'm still going. It's Star Wars on the big screen.