Relationship Milestones: Farting and Pooping and Poo Pourri teamed up on a funny ad campaign about pooping in hotel rooms. You might think this is all in good fun, but it turns out, according to a new study, one of the biggest stressers about taking a trip with a significant other is pooping in the room.
I understand we all have a few issues when it comes to truly being ourselves around a new person, but I mean, come on, everybody poops.
This topic got a lot of responses from listeners this morning. I couldn't believe the lengths that some people go to hide their bodily functions. And, on the other side of the spectrum, how open some people are.
- Married 22 years, together for 26. Closed door and privacy policy here!
- My husband and I had been going out for a couple weeks. We were laying in bed...he was on his side, back to me. I give him a hug and he asks me to squeeze his stomach. Of course I do without thinking, he rips a huge one right on me! I was disgusted while he laughed his ass off. We are now married going on 14 years.
- We were taught to only pass gas in the bathroom. I still try to not pooter in front of my husband after 23 years of marriage.
- My boyfriend and I are very comfortable together. We poop in the bathroom while the other is in the shower.
- Been married 7 together for 8 friends for 20, never have I intentionally let it slip around my partner. I go to the restroom.
- My sister in law and my brother have been dating for about 12 years now and they still haven't farted in front of each other
- It was a few weeks in and I farted in her bed. She laughed about it. That's how I knew she was the one
You're welcome.