Real Human Skull Found In Iowa Park
The situation surrounding the discovery of a human skull at an Iowa park remains under investigation this morning.
KCCI reports that the Polk County Sheriff's Office is investigating the discovery of a human skull at Yellow Banks Park in Pleasant Hill. The discovery was made on Friday night. The sheriff's office reports that the skull was found by campers who discovered the remains on a sandbar near a boat ramp.
KCCI reports that police deputies searched the area, but the skull was the only form of remains that were found. Sheriff's officials and the Iowa Medical Examiner's office are working to gather more information on the skull.
I may not be a police investigator, but finding a skull and no other remains sounds a bit suspicious to me. Perhaps the skull was taken by a group of teens from a school prior to summer break and then put on the sandbar as a prank. And while the possibility of a prank has no doubt crossed investigators' minds, you can't NOT treat the discovery of a human skull seriously. Here is hoping the police get some answers soon.