Reports had surfaced that a possible second car was involved in the crash of the car occupied by Paul Walker and driven by Roger Rodas. Authorities have now ruled out that theory.

It was suggested that Walker and Rodas were involved in a street race. That theory felt like a stretch and was a scenario too close to the plot of Walker's 'Fast and Furious' films, which made him a household name. Turns out that investigators have found zero evidence of a second car related to a tip they received.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's office ruled out the second car and street race theory, even though the spot of the accident was popular for street racers.

Walker, 40, died in a fiery, single-car crash on Saturday, Nov. 30. His friend, experienced driver and car enthusiast Roger Rodas, was behind the wheel of the 2005 Porsche Carrera GT.

Officials are now focusing on the vehicle's rate of speed as the primary factor, while sources connected to the shop where the car was stored suggested that a steering fluid leak could have also contributed to the deadly accident. Additionally, the car has been described by auto experts as hard to handle, even for professionals.

The skid marks are being looked at to assess what happened, as well, if they are indeed related to this particular accident.

The car crashed into a light pole and exploded in flames. A 45mph speed limit sign was attached to the pole that the car slammed into, which was eventually knocked down on impact.

Autopsies are expected to be performed today (Dec. 3) once the dental x-rays are received so that official IDs can be made.

R.I.P., Paul and Roger.

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