Over 100 COVID Cases Linked to Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally has always crowded the streets and highways in the Black Hills. This year over 365,000 people attended August 7th through August 14th. With a pandemic going on it would make sense that the disease would spread. It has.
So far there have been 103 cases of COVID-19 linked to attendees of the Sturgis Rally. Of course, that doesn't mean they got it there, it just means they attended the Rally and now have COVID. But it certainly does mean they could have contracted the virus there.
Jay Fugleberg, a reporter for Forum News Service covering COVID-19 in North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota, tweeted out the number of cases that trackback to Sturgis from various states. Most of which are from within or right around South Dakota, which had 37 cases. Minnesota had 27 cases, North Dakota 17, Nebraska 7, Wyoming 7, Montana 5, Wisconsin 2, and Washington 1 case.
According to the South Dakota Department of Transportation, there were 462,182 vehicles that rolled into Sturgis. That was down 7.5 percent from 2019 when there were just under 500,000 vehicles moving into town.