[Update] The bill that would put cameras in public classrooms is not moving forward, according to KCRG. A subcommittee hearing was canceled and will not be rescheduled before the legislative deadline.

Parents, how would you like to see what your kiddos were up to in class whenever you wanted? Well, a new bill may make that possible.

According to WHO-13, a new bill that was just introduced in the Iowa legislature that would "allow parents to watch a live stream of what's happening in public classrooms, and teachers would be punished financially if the view is somehow obstructed." There are strong feelings on both sides if this ...

According to KCRG, the bill introduced by Norlin Mommsen, of De Witt, "would help highlight the good things teachers were doing," since the COVID pandemic spiked interest for parents to know what's going on in their kids' classrooms. Many who think this would be a positive change opt for more transparency for parents.

Some opposed feel it's an attack on the "professionalism and work" of Iowa educators. There are already security cameras in place throughout the common spaces and building exteriors. Plus, so many incidents are recorded on personal devices and posted to social media in the classroom.

What are your thoughts on cameras in the classroom? Would this help keep classrooms safe, or at least ease parents' minds? Or is this an intrusion on educators? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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