My son had been telling my wife and I for weeks about this cool thing that was happening on December 21st call the Christmas Star. I thought he was talking nonsense but of course he wasn't.

On some YouTube channel, he heard about this cool event that was going to happen. And it was a thing that only happens somewhere between once every 400 to 800 years.

The Great Conjunction, as NASA called it, was last witnessed and documented in 1623. The two planets were actually conjoined from the view on Earth.

Andy Erickson/Hot 104.7
Andy Erickson/Hot 104.7

So we went out and did what lots of other people did. We drove out to a gravel road just outside of town and yelled at our kids to stay out of the middle of the gravel while we attempted in vain to get a good view of objects our optics and smart phone cameras were not designed to see well.

But it's pretty cool that we were witness to something that hasn't happened in 400 years. It just makes me wonder if Galileo helped his kids up to see through the telescope and told them not to touch it, and then yelled at his kids for bumping his telescope even though it was the one single instruction he gave them? I'm going to go with probably. But I know he didn't yell at them for jumping around in the SUV while the telescope was sitting on the hood. But I still had better pictures than he had.

Andy Erickson/Hot 104.7
Andy Erickson/Hot 104.7
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