Cheapest Months to Visit All 50 States
When planning your vacation there are certain times during the year you probably don't want to visit that state. For instance, you probably don't want to book a trip to New York City on New Years Eve weekend unless you want to pay a lot more and be part of a crowd everywhere you go. In fact the best time to visit the "Empire State" is in February where flights and hotels are the cheapest.
According to Go Banking Rates, they list the best times to visit each state in the United States So lets say you have some friends who want to come visit you in South Dakota, what would be the best time to do that? Well the site says that the best time is in June.
"Is Mount Rushmore on your list of places to see? June is the cheapest time to fly to South Dakota, with the average round-trip ticket costing $501. Expect warm weather and summer crowds, however. Other popular destinations include Custer State Park, the Mt. Roosevelt Monument and Needles Eye, an unusual rock formation."
$501?!? Maybe if you are flying in from Iceland! I'm sure you can find a better round-trip ticket price than that. See the entire list of the cheapest states to visit.
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