To celebrate the increasing number of local food producers in South Dakota, Governor Dennis Daugaard has declared the week of August 2 to 8 Farmers Market Week in South Dakota.

Agriculture is South Dakota's No. 1 industry, generating $25.6 billion in annual economic activity and employing 115,651 South Dakotans. Farmers markets provide a unique venue for both farmers and consumers. Consumers can meet the people growing the food and build relationships between producers and diners.

Farmers markets also grow local farms by selling directly to the customer. This puts more of every food dollar into the producer’s pocket and allows new and small operations to grow.

Much of the fresh produce in South Dakota is at its peak for the season and farmers markets are in full swing providing the freshest food around. The South Dakota Department of Agriculture encourages South Dakotans to shop their local farmers market as a way to participate in their community and benefit from the incredible variety of our agricultural bounty.

Check out some of the farmers markets in the Sioux Falls area including:

The Prairie Farmers' Market at N Cherapa Place.

The Eastbank Saturday Market at 8th and Railroad.

The Falls Park Farmers’ Market in Falls Park.

The Good Earth Farmers' Market in downtown Sioux Falls in front of the State Theater on Phillips Avenue.


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