Yung Joc Won’t Perform at LGBTQ Events Due to Men’s ‘Lustful Eyes’ Looking at Him
Yung Joc recently revealed he, too, would turn down $250,000 to perform at a LGBTQ event.
Yung Joc States Case for Turning Down $250,000 for Pride Performance
On Monday (Oct. 16), VladTV aired a new episode of their latest multipart interview with Yung Joc. During the sit-down, which can be seen below, the Atlanta rapper-turned radio personality offered his opinion on the hypothetical scenario of him being offered $250,000 to perform at a Pride show.
"Ain't nobody ever gave me $250,000 for a show, ever in my career," Joc stated. "Don't get me wrong, if somebody called me today, 'Yo, man. We'll give you a quarter-million'...Nah, I may not do it either. It's not that I have nothing against the LGBTQ people. But I just may not understand. I may not be in the know enough to feel comfortable enough to do this. Nah, because I don't want to start doing that. Maybe I don't want to be comfortable with this lifestyle. Is that OK?"
He continued: "I may not be comfortable rapping this song, and this man is looking at me with lustful eyes with his nipples out. With lipstick on rapping my lyrics to me...It just might not work like that."
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Boosie BadAzz Turns Down $250,000 to Perform at Pride Event
Yung Joc is echoing Boosie BadAzz's sentiment. Last month, Boosie revealed he turned down an invite to perform at a LGBTQ event that would have paid him a quarter-million dollars.
"I'm not real for money. In that case, I would just sell my soul for anything," Boosie said during an interview on The Danza Project. "I've been offered a quarter-million to go perform at an [LGBTQ] community event. Big money. I told them I have nothing against it at all. But that's not what I push and that's not what I believe in."
"A lot of people get that [misunderstood] because they act like I hate them," Boosie continued. "No. My assistant is gay. This man deals with millions of dollars for me. I trust gay people more than regular people."
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See Yung Joc talk about turning down $250,000 to perform at a Pride event below.