Taking care of your family isn't easy; all kinds of challenges arise. You worry about finances, physical health, mental health, and a million other things.

Kids & the Community

We often worry about this one thing but shy away from talking about it. That's why we don't let our kids out after dark, and that is why we give 11 to 12-year-olds phones now.

I'm talking about sex offenders. They are the proverbial boogeyman to our community.

While I would argue that North Dakota is one of the safest states in the country, there's still danger lurking around out there.

It's hard to even wrap our heads around how a person could do these types of things, but it does happen. There are sex offenders all across our state, and while we don't want to talk about this at the dinner table, it is something we should keeps tabs on.

According to sexoffender.nd.gov, all convicted sex offenders must register with the state.

Luckily, the state of North Dakota does have a tool that helps us track where sex offenders live in our state.

Looking at the state of North Dakota as a whole is unsettling, to say the least.

Google Maps via sexoffender.nd.gov
Google Maps via sexoffender.nd.gov

If you want to take a closer look at a particular town, use the tool and check out your neighborhood, you can actually go into street view.

This might be a good thing to look at when you go to purchase your next house.

Keep in mind that you should not use this information to harass or intimidate.

North Dakotans Warned To Avoid Traveling To These 9 Places

These countries have level four travel advisories.

Gallery Credit: Andi Ahne

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Stacker analyzed the Census Bureau's 2019 American Community Survey data to determine the three most popular destinations for people moving out of each state.

Gallery Credit: Amanda Silvestri