With Bed, Bath, and Beyond filing bankruptcy and the nationwide clearance in 360 remaining stores - including Sioux Falls - the arduous task of clearing the linens, sheets, and towels is enough to make your head spin. Watch for super sale opportunities coming soon.

So, what will become of all this empty retail space in prime locations? Take the Louis Avenue location. It's a high-traffic area with easy access and ample parking. Many Bed, Bath, and Beyond stores have already confirmed new tenants for their space including  TJ Maxx, Ross, HomeGoods, and Nordstrom's, according to CNN retail business page.

That would all be fine and dandy, but wouldn't this be a perfect opportunity for Trader Joe's to come into the Sioux Falls market? Hey, Joe's...we love to spend money and have been waiting for you for a long time. We don't have a state income tax so that will save you bags of money. Plus, we've been waiting for those 19-cent bananas and honey crisp apples for a while now.

Trader Joe's brass get it. They've cut the "middle man" and package and label their own brands of exceptional quality and value.

A.D.D. side note: Did you know that stuffed animals such as whales, monkeys, donkeys, and lobsters are found throughout the Trader Joe's? This is to keep children and parents happy and amused while shopping.

The nearest Trader Joe's to Sioux Falls is either Omaha, Nebraska, or Rochester, Minnesota. Could we get something a little closer perhaps...like Louise Avenue in Sioux Falls? We'd would love to see you take up space in our fine city, Trader Joe's.

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