It’s Cinnamon Roll Season, Y’All!
This past Saturday was May 5. The first Saturday in May. The first Saturday in May is glorious time of year. It means the Falls Park Farmers Market is back in business for the year!
Planting for farmers has barely started, or in the case of my uncle's farm, hasn't even begun. Not much in the way of fresh vegetables is available yet. You could get some kale or spinach, but mostly available was planters for gardens. Later in the summer there will be much more stuff to pick from. Sweet corn will be the big attraction in late July and August. My wife picked up a cilantro plant to make some pico de gallo.
The main attraction for my family is always the cinnamon rolls, made by Hebda Family Produce in Mission Hill. They are pretty much the reason we will go on a rainy day.
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