It’s Ag Appreciation Day At The Sioux Empire Fair
As part of the Sioux Empire Fair in Sioux Falls this week, Teri Schmidt of the Sioux Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau says Wednesday is Ag Appreciation Day!
"Sioux Falls is lucky to have the Sioux Empire Fair going on and especially Ag Appreciation Day at the fairgrounds. We will have guests coming in from all over the area who are our local farmers---the most important people in our world. They feed our world!"
Teri says agriculture continues to be big business in the Sioux Empire.
"It does signify how important agriculture in this area. Without agriculture we would be nothing. We need to take a minute and salute these people. The least we can do is feed them one small meal for this year."
Wednesday's Ag Appreciation Luncheon is scheduled from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the W. L. Lyons Fairground.
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