According to Dr. Hanna Fry, the author of The Mathematics of Love, couples in successful and happy relationships don't let things fester. Instead they complain about whatever their partner does that irritates them.

A major study of couples on the brink of divorce uncovered some startling facts. Couples with a really high negativity threshold were more likely to divorce, while couples with a low negativity threshold were much more successful in their relationships. The happy couples give each other room to complain and are constantly working to repair their bond with each other.

Mathematics of Love
Dr. Hanna Fry via YouTube

What this means is even the little stuff that bugs you about your loved one should be brought up in conversation and hashed out before it becomes a big issue. If your hubby throwing his undies on the floor is driving you up a wall, complain, discuss, argue and get over it. This also reaffirms that old saying, "You should never let the sun go down on your anger!".


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