I Want My Data Back, Data Back, Data Back: Hackers Breach Chili’s
Another data breach makes one wonder if it’s better to pack a few 20 dollar bills wherever you go in this cashless society instead of swiping the vulnerable card. Even though credit and debit companies have taken great measures to let us know if their card is the most secure, data breaches still occur.
The latest is Chili's restaurant and you may have paid for more and just your meal. According to MSN Money, the incident happened in March or April when hackers were able to get a hold of credit card information. Chili's learned about it on Friday (May 11) and there is no word of how many of its restaurants were affected. So, Sioux Falls may be in the clear.
According to KSFY News, SiouxFalls.Business reports that the Sioux Falls Chili's is a franchise-owned location, so most-likely not affected by the breach.
However, they are working with law-enforcement to track down the source of the hack but advise customers pull up their credit card statement and make sure everything is legit.
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