How Does South Dakota Compare to Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska at Wordle?
I did the Wordle for the first time today. I got it in four tries. I think it is stupid and I hate it and I will do it again tomorrow.
Why? I am senselessly competitive about things that don't really matter.

As for competition goes, how does South Dakota do when it comes to Wordle? We are actually not bad at all. According to Word.tips, South Dakota is ranked fourth out of all fifty states when it comes to how many guesses it takes to solve the day's puzzle. The state average is 3.79 guesses per puzzle. Not too shabby.
Our neighbor to the north is the current king of wordle. North Dakota has an average of 3.65 guesses per game. Minnesota was just behind South Dakota with 3.83 guesses. Iowa was just behind that with 3.89 guesses.
Nebraska is a hot mess at Wordle. They require 4.22 guesses on average, one of the worst in the country. But they are still the kings of cornhusking.
St. Paul, Minnesota was the top city in the U.S. at guesses. They pull it off in an average of only 3.51 guesses.
If you aren't familiar, a player gets six tries to solve the Wordle. There is only one word per day, and with every guess, you are told which letters are in the unknown word. However, when you guess a word for the puzzle, it must actually be a word. You cannot just guess a series of characters to widdle down the correct letters. This is what is maddening about Wordle. You can know the letters you have and the letters you want to guess, but coming up with words that address both of those characteristics is a really hard thing to do.
So why do I hate a fun little word puzzle game that tons of people are playing? It's popular, for one. I tend to not do things that are all the rage on social media or anywhere else unless it's going deer hunting. Another source of dislike comes from the fact that the free game was purchased by the New York Times and it will eventually cost money or we'll have to subscribe to play.
It's really fun, and addicting, and I hate it. Mostly because I like it and I don't want to.