Get Paid $100 an Hour to Pet Puppies! For REAL!!!
How would you like to make a career change where all you have to do is pet puppies and get paid for it? Well, that dream job could be a reality thanks to a business in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. A business there called Mutts Cantina is looking for someone to be the first ever Mutts "puptern."
Here is the deal, just post a photo or video by November 12, 2018, that shows your puppy petting skills and use #MUTTSpuptern and tag @muttscantina for a chance to be hired. Oh, and you will get PAID $100 per hour to pet puppies at our new location! Creativity is encouraged and make sure you tell them why you're the best fit for the position in your caption!
You'd have to move to Texas, but hey, it could be SO worth it. Warm weather, no more snow and you get paid to pet puppies all day long, sound like a win in my book!
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