Feminine Hygiene Product Drive 2021
#PadParty2021 is quickly approaching!!!
Every January there is a Feminine Hygiene Product Drive for The Banquet and this January is no different. However, how the event will run has changed.
Most years, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day/Day of Service, there would be a feminine hygiene drive at Miner Brewing, but not for 2021.
For the eleventh year of the event, donation boxes will be placed at Waterbury Heating & Cooling, Inc, Elegant Mommy, or Miner Brewing in Sioux Falls, SD. Collections will start on January 9th and go through January 16th. Then, all the donations will be given to The Banquet on January 18th, Martin Luther King Jr. Day/Day of Service.
Waterbury Heating & Cooling is located at 1401 E Sioux Street, Elegant Mommy is located at 207 W 37th Street, and Miner Brewing is located at 2101 W 41st St #25 in the Western Mall.
Starting January 9th, you can drop off your donations of pads, tampons, and panty liners at any of the locations. Cash donations will also be accepted.
Pad Party 2020 collected over 40,000 products, which almost stocked The Banquet for the entire year! Help beat that record in 2021!
I've participated and donated in the last couple of Pad Parties and it is always amazing to see how Sioux Falls shows up to help out! It will be a bummer to not be able to see the mountain of products in person this year.
The first year I attended, the then director of The Banquet, Madeline Shields shared a story about a woman eating at The Banquet. She asked if they could help her get a pad or tampon because with what little money she had, she had to either buy diapers for her child or feminine products for herself. What a terrible position to be put in. No woman should have to struggle to take care of this necessity of life.

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