Credit Card Vending Machine Took My $2
There are not many things more infuriating than not getting what you paid for.
While traveling on I-90 to the Black Hills this weekend, we stopped at a rest area for the reason you usually stop at a rest area. After resting, I decided to get a pop at the vending machine. I didn't have any small bills but it had the credit card reader on it for payment so I swiped and pressed Coke.
Nothing happened. I pushed the button again. Still nothing. I had been robbed of two dollars. Sort of.
I called the number of the vendor. They said I could stop by and get my two dollars. I was 50 miles away and going in the opposite direction. I was put on hold for a spell and finally was asked for my name and address and phone number and assured I would hear back from them. I didn't, but it was Friday. And my two dollars is not a huge deal. But still, I'm not going to let anyone get away with taking two dollars from me without delivering the goods. I'm sure I'll hear from them this week. If I don't, I'm going to knock on their door like Johnny in Better Off Dead.