Best Waterholes in South Dakota and Where to Find Them
On Sunday nights on the Travel Channel, they have been premiering a new show that has caught my attention. It's called, America's Secret Swimming Holes. If you aren't familiar with the show, a group of friends are filmed as they try to find secret waterholes in their area and talk about the experience.
Now swimming holes come in many shapes and sizes, but you'll know one when you see it: a refreshing pool under a waterfall, a cool mountain stream, a crisp freshwater spring just to name a few but is there a secret swimming hole here in South Dakota? The answer is YES!!!
According to multiple sites, these are the most popular swimming holes in the state. Know anymore?
1. Hippie Hole near Keystone, SD
Take a hike up to this stunning swimming hole complete with a waterfall. Come here to swim, picnic, sunbathe, and enjoy one of SD's best kept secrets. The easiest way to access this beauty is by hiking along Battle Creek. (onlyinyourstate.com)
2. Cascade Falls near Hot Springs, SD
The clean, clear water of the falls originates about two miles upstream at Cascade Springs, where a series of six artesian springs feed ever-warm, 67-degree water into Cascade Creek. (southdakotamagazine.com)
3. Horsethief Lake 2 miles northwest Mt. Rushmore
This is a great place for a 30 - 60 foot cliff jump into water that is said to be plenty deep. From Keystone, SD take Rt 244 west for about 5 miles to find this amazing spot not far from Mt. Rushmore. (onlyinyourstate.com)
4. Devils Baththub Located between Savoy and Spearfish, SD
To get there, pull off the Spearfish Canyon highway at Cleopatra Place. There isn’t a parking lot, but these days there are a lot of cars along the narrow lane — park there. (southdakotamagazine.com)
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