Backstreet Boys have a new album, DNA, coming out on January 25th, but to tide us over they released a third single!

This song is called "No Place" and it is about how there is no place like home! Isn't that sweet! And to make it even sweeter, the five guys families are all in the video!

All of the Backstreet Boys and their wives and children are in the video just hanging out at home doing normal family stuff. No choreography, no matching outfits, no crazy special effects. Just the guys with their families.

Brian is seen playing basketball and cooking with his wife and son. Howie is pushing his sons on the swing with his wife. Kevin is making s'mores with his two sons and wife. A.J. is dancing with his daughters in their living room and sipping on coffee with his wife. Nick is taking a dip in the pool with his son and snuggling with his wife on the couch.

Who would have thought 25 years ago that the Backstreet Boys would still be releasing music? Not only releasing music, but also including all of their families in the process! So cute! We have all come a long way, Backstreet Army.

Personally, I can't wait until September for my fourth Backstreet Boys show for the DNA World Tour! 


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