Have you heard about "She Sheds"? No? Well, let me tell you about them! Of course you know about "Man Caves." This would be the female counterpart to that staple of American maleness. But what kills me about this is, men get the entire basement or garage to themselves. In most cases, a "She Shed" is just what it implies, a small building approximately the size of a tool shed.

That being said check out what some women have done with nothing more than one of those Rubbermaid storage sheds.

She Shed
Memories by Amy via YouTube

Women are creating their own hideaway/getaway spaces where they can escape work/family/kids/hubby stress by walking out in the backyard. Some of these unique spaces include pubs, greenhouse areas, nap retreats with comfy loungers and even beds, artist studios, yoga areas and so much more!

She Shed Diner
Memories By Amy via YouTube

But here is my question, what if you're single, don't have a husband/significant other or kids which you need to escape from, could I still have a "She Shed" of my own? Maybe something with a hot tub and without the abundance of dog and cat hair which infiltrates every facet of my life otherwise.

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