An Amazing Number of South Dakotans Fake Sick to Get Out of Work
Generally, when I think of South Dakotans, I think of people who are hard working. They go the full distance in their jobs and don't cut corners. Most days I would include myself in that category.
What about "calling in sick" to use a sick day you won't use because you didn't get sick. There used to be a time when I would do that to utilize all of my time off. But ever since we switched from vacation and sick days to one category of "paid time off" (PTO) I've never felt the need to do it. I just take the day off. did a survey of sick time in the United States and it found a shocking number of people call in sick for a variety of reasons that don't necessarily have anything to do with being sick.
In South Dakota we tied for 22nd with seven other states where people call in "sick" the most. 50 percent of people here have called in sick when they weren't actually sick. Connecticut is the most guilty of calling in sick with 70 percent of workers calling in sick.
Of the reasons people do call in sick, legit or not, the most popular reason to call in sick is that one is actually sick. A mental health day was second. Not feeling well but not exclusively sick was third. Other reasons included doctor or medical appointments, being tired, don't want to go, car issues, to do something fun, being hungover, kids are home, and interview for a new job.
Standing in Three States at One Time: