5 Things to Do When It’s Hot as Hell
The forecast this weekend is for temps in the upper 90's with a high amount of humidity. This is not fun to deal with. Running the air all the time gets expensive. Or if your house is like mine, a split foyer where the upstairs main living area is a tolerable 80 degrees while the basement could be used for meat storage, neither option is great. So here are some ideas I had to deal with a really hot weekend.
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Go To The Library
The Siouxland Libraries are open Saturday from 9am - 5pm and Sunday from 1pm - 5pm, and they have air conditioning. Bring your phone, tablet, headphones and use the free wifi, or you could (crazy, I know) grab a book and read it in air conditioned comfort!
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Go To a Wedding, Any Wedding
While this might seem a tad shady just remember it is hot as balls. And how many times have you attended a wedding and the bride or groom didn't even know you were there.. Find a reception at on of the big wedding venues in town and walk in. Most people attending a wedding don't even know a third of the people attending a reception. Go to the reception, sit far away from the bride and groom, eat dinner (they always make extra and there's always a no show or five), enjoy the air conditioning, maybe even the free keg if you're lucky.
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Go To a Movie
This one is pretty "duh." (My wife suggested it, I didn't think of it.) Theaters are always cold. Hit the West Mall 7 for $3.50, see anything, cheap snacks, and most importantly, it's air conditioned. If you want to see one of the new movies this weekend, it just costs more.
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Go To Church
I'm not suggesting you go to church simply because there is air conditioning. I don't think mooching comfort off the Almighty for the sake of comfort is a best practice. But if you are a believer and there aren't a too many blue hairs that like it around 80 indoors, it might be the place to be, especially if you used my second suggestion and may be guilty of breaking a comandment.
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Go To (gag) Work
I've done it. Seriously. Years ago when I was single and living in a third floor apartment with a crappy air conditioner, I would go sit in my icy office at the station and just watch movies on my computer, maybe work ahead on stuff or whatever. Your circumstances may not allow this, but we have a full kitchen in the basement, I have a very comfy chair in my office, and the building rarely has an interior temperature above 70 degrees. On a hot miserable day, it's the place to be!