Throwback Thursday 'My Love is Like...Wo' by Mya (2003)Throwback Thursday 'My Love is Like...Wo' by Mya (2003)Mya is serving lewks and dance moves in this music video! NatashaNatasha
'Spamalot' Reminds Us To 'Always Look On The Bright Side of Life''Spamalot' Reminds Us To 'Always Look On The Bright Side of Life' It is based on 'Monty Python and The Holy Grail.' It's all the humor you're used to but add in a touch of sequins, some tap shoes, and some awesome singers and you've got a great comedy musical. NatashaNatasha
Seminary Students Dance Battle RoyaleSeminary Students Dance Battle RoyaleEverybody Dance Now! NatashaNatasha