Do you collect something? It may have started small but now it's grown to fill a room instead of a shelf? Only in Minnesota! A Butter Museum...In A Bank?
Since June is Dairy Month, there is one product that I use occasionally, but enjoy immensely. Plus it eases guilt for pouring half and half on a bowl of cereal.
I was raised on what may have been the world's smallest dairy operation. OK, 'dairy operation' may be a bit of a stretch. You see, Dad milked about 8 cows...that is until the old barn burned down. That, you see, was in the 'old days'.
June is Dairy Month and so I checked out my friends at SDCORN to see how dairy farming, how cow-milking, has changed since those days of tugging on teets...
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South Dakota ranchers are all too familiar with a headlines like this. Remember 2013 and the freak winter storm that killed nearly 100,000 head of cattle in South Dakota? It turns out Texas and New Mexico Dairy farmers are dealing with a story that is much the same.