CRITICAL Areas Where Snow Needs To Be ClearedCRITICAL Areas Where Snow Needs To Be ClearedIf the fire hydrant sits on your property it is your responsibility to make sure snow is cleared away from it.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
6 Critical Areas Around Your Home Where Snow Needs To Be Cleared6 Critical Areas Around Your Home Where Snow Needs To Be ClearedDeep snow in Sioux Falls is fun for some, and trouble for many. Especially if the snow isn't cleared away from vital locations around your home.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
You Can Adopt-A-Sidewalk in Sioux FallsYou Can Adopt-A-Sidewalk in Sioux FallsWhy start up your snowblower to clear just your property? We have an unwritten rule in our neighborhood: If you have a snowblower, do one more. Or three.Dave RobertsDave Roberts