Rappers Who Still Support TrumpRappers Who Still Support TrumpThese rappers are supporting Agent Orange.Trent FitzgeraldTrent Fitzgerald
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Azealia Banks Claims Nicki Minaj Cries for Cardi B’s Friendship and Wants Nicki to Divorce Her HusbandAzealia Banks Claims Nicki Minaj Cries for Cardi B’s Friendship and Wants Nicki to Divorce Her HusbandAzealia Banks shares her opinion once again. Natalee GilbertNatalee Gilbert
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Here Are the Many Times Nicki Minaj Gave Flowers to Other Women in Hip-HopHere Are the Many Times Nicki Minaj Gave Flowers to Other Women in Hip-HopShowing love to the ladies.Joey EchJoey Ech