An ordinary pizza delivery turned into a terrifying ordeal for 18-year-old Caiden Wheeler in Ashland City, Tennessee, as he found himself dodging bullets after an innocent mistake. Wheeler, a high school student working part-time for Domino’s, was on his first and only delivery of the night when he inadvertently parked in the wrong driveway.

Man delivery pizza to customer
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Pizza Delivery Driver Shot Multiple Times After Parking in Wrong Driveway

The incident unfolded on Monday night in the residential area of North Poole Street. Wheeler, aiming to deliver pizza to 118, accidentally parked at 114B, the adjacent address. After successfully completing the delivery to the correct house, Wheeler returned to his vehicle, only to be met with a barrage of bullets.

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Getty Images/iStockphoto

According to authorities, 32-year-old Ryan Babcock allegedly opened fire on Wheeler's truck, discharging his handgun seven times. The shots targeted the driver's side, hitting below the gas tank, the wheel, and just above the driver's side window. Miraculously, Wheeler escaped unscathed physically, but the psychological impact of the incident is profound.

The 18-Year-Old Believes It Was Attempted Murder

In an interview following the harrowing ordeal, Wheeler expressed his disbelief at the turn of events, labeling it as an attempted murder. "Nothing close to what I thought would happen on a delivery, I’ll say that,” Wheeler said. “‘Cause I was literally about to get killed right there, so it’s attempted murder in my opinion.”

A pizza delivery driver was shot at when he pulled into the wrong driveway. NewsChannel 5
A pizza delivery driver was shot at when he pulled into the wrong driveway.
NewsChannel 5

The motive behind the shooting, as per Babcock's account to the police, was his belief that someone was attempting to break into his car. However, Wheeler's vehicle bore no marks of being a threat. Clad in his Domino’s uniform and carrying the distinctive pizza delivery bag, Wheeler's innocent presence was mistaken for criminal activity.

While acknowledging the right to self-defense, Wheeler and his family contest the severity of the charges brought against Babcock. They advocate for attempted homicide rather than aggravated assault, emphasizing the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences of such reckless actions.

Awaiting Legal Actions

Despite his arrest, Babcock has been released on bond pending his arraignment scheduled for June 12. The community awaits further legal proceedings while grappling with the alarming escalation of violence stemming from a simple misunderstanding.

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