Earlier in the 2024 school year Gettysburg, South Dakota's school system went cell phone-free, and the buzz around the decision was very active. Other South Dakota school systems in Kimball and Platte-Geddes have followed suit with similar bans.

Now according to Dakota News Now, the Sheldon, Iowa school district is putting in place a cell phone ban of its own for the Sheldon High School.

Citing distraction from jobs, families, and the world at large, the ban was put in place. Now when students come in the school, they place their phones in magnetic pouches that once closed can only be opened with an unlocking base.

Administrators say the goal is to increase focus in the classroom and they appreciate the cooperation the student body has shown.

Sheldon High School "worked with surrounding school districts" as they were implementing the changes in their own school and hope that their school sets an example that others could follow.

Source: Dakota News Now

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