Top Swear Word In Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota !*WARNING*!
WARNING! This study contains very strong language reflecting the favorite overall swear words of folks in Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota.
At one time or another, almost all of us have pulled out a powerful cuss word to let out some frustration or to make a strong point.
The folks at Wordtips have crunched the numbers and come up with the “Favorite Swear Word In Every State”.
Top Swear Word In Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota-Canva
The study analyzed social media posts from all 50 states and 320 cities to understand regional differences in strong language usage.
Here are some Key Findings from Wordtips:
- ‘Fuck’ is America’s most commonly-used swear word, with 11.62 uses for every 1000 posts on Twitter.
- Georgia uses the most profanities of any U.S. state.
- Minnesotans swear the least.
- Atlanta is America’s sweariest city.
- Minneapolis residents swear the least.
- 15 states use ‘shit’ more than any other swear word as it is the most uniquely popular profanity.
Top Swear Word In Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota-Canva
The Most Popular "Swear Word" for midwesterners include...(careful!!!)
- Minnesota: “Hell”
- South Dakota: “Hell”
- Iowa: “Pussy”
- Wisconsin: “Shit”
- North Dakota: “Hell”
Top Things Most Iowans Were Afraid Of When They Were Kids
If you were a kid in Iowa chances are you were afraid of many of the scary things on this list. Now be honest!