Great Bear and FAST to Add New Mountain Bike Trails in Sioux Falls
The sport of mountain biking in Sioux Falls is about to get a whole lot more exciting very soon.
Word just came out that Falls Area Single Track otherwise known as (FAST) plans to partner with Great Bear Ski Valley to bring up to 10+ miles of mountain biking trails to the popular Sioux Falls ski park in the future.
Fast Communications Director Reva Graves told Dakota News Now, "That they’re excited to work alongside Great Bear and Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation to create trails that community members have continued to ask for."

The new project is titled, "The Great Trail Build. Destination: Bear." And the plan is to get as many as 10 miles of mountain bike trails up and running as soon as possible. But, that all depends on community support and funding.
Great Bear Ski Valley Director of Communications Alexa Jerstad told Dakota News Now, "Phase 1 of the project is 5 miles. A lot of it will depend on funding. The more community support we have, and the more donations that FAST can get, the faster we can get these trails built.”
Their target goal is to raise one million dollars.
The type of soil, together with the loose gravel-like texture found on it is the primary reason why there are no current bike trails at Great Bear already. Jerstad told Dakota News Now, "FAST can efficiently work towards conserving the trails and also help prevent any damage that could come in the future."
Falls Area Single Track is working on its 25 x 25 initiative. They plan to add 25 trails to Sioux Falls by 2025.
The new partnership is a win-win for both parties involved, as Great Bear was already making plans to add mountain biking to the park in the future.
According to Dakota News Now, at present mountain bikes are not allowed at Great Bear, however, they will make a public announcement once that changes.
If you're interested in donating to "The Great Trail Build. Destination: Bear" project you can get more information here.
Source: Dakota News Now