If you are from South Dakota you might know some of these quirky fun facts about the Rushmore state...or you might not!? 

...The world's largest pheasant statue stands in Huron, South Dakota. It's 28 feet tall and weighs 22 tons.

19 Quirky Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock
19 Quirky Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock

...South Dakota is home to the world's only Corn Palace, located in Mitchell. It's decorated with murals made entirely of corn and grains.

...The state is so windy that in some small towns, they say if you want to see which way the wind is blowing, you can look at a chunk of concrete on a chain.

...Wall Drug, a famous roadside attraction, became popular by offering free ice water to travelers during the Dust Bowl.

...The town of Clark holds an annual "Potato Days" festival, featuring mashed potato wrestling.

19 Quirky Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock
19 Quirky Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock

...In Rapid City, it's illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.

...The state fossil is the triceratops, nicknamed "Tricy" by locals.

...South Dakota has a dessert called "kuchen" that's so beloved, it's the official state dessert.

...The city of Deadwood was the first place in the United States to legalize gambling to save its economy.

19 Quirky Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock
19 Quirky Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock

...There's a place called "Reptile Gardens" that holds the Guinness World Record for the largest reptile collection.

...The town of Lemmon is home to the world's largest petrified wood park.

...In the town of Fort Pierre, it's illegal to wear a "masked costume" in public after 8 p.m.

...The state's official beverage is milk—perhaps to wash down all that kuchen.

...There's a 50-foot tall prairie dog statue in Philip, because why not?

...The town of Mystic has a population of 8 people (as of the last census), making town meetings pretty cozy.

...Mount Rushmore's sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, originally planned to include the presidents' bodies, not just their heads.

19 Quirky Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock
19 Quirky Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock

...The geographic center of the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii) is in Belle Fourche, South Dakota.

...There's a palace made of corn and a castle made of walnut shells in Millbank.

...In Huron, it's illegal to cause static electricity.

19 Quirky Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock
19 Quirky Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock

South Dakota's Weird Exotic Animal Laws Are Amazing

Have an interesting pet or looking to get one? Check this out from South Dakota Exotic Animal Laws before you go trying to adopt one.

You will need a zoo permit to harbor a raccoon dog. That's a real species. It's a small wild dog with a black facial mask and long fur, native to the forests of Asia.

Gallery Credit: Danny V


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