It doesn't seem like former South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is off to a good start in her return to Washington D.C.

Over the weekend, Kristi Noem was officially confirmed as the new Secretary of Homeland Security under President Donald Trump's Cabinet. However, she was late to her formal swearing-in ceremony making Vice President JD Vance wait.

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Multiple reports from the HuffPost, Politico, and The Wrap say Kristi Noem was late for her DHS Swearing-In by Vice President Vance. To be exact, she was reportedly 25 minutes late. Since now Secretary Noem was late to her own ceremony, Vice President Vance ran out of time (maybe patience too) and had to leave.

Secretary Noem had to finish her ceremony and oath elsewhere at the home of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. I imagine this was even a surprise for Justice Thomas!

So why was the former South Dakota Governor late for her big moment? Allegedly, she forgot "her sentimental bible" she always uses for certain occasions. Secretary Noem's spokesperson Trisha McLaughlin explains to Politico the bible belonged to her late father.

“Secretary Noem has used this sentimental bible to be sworn into every office she has ever held. Secretary Noem was honored to be sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas at his home with her dad’s bible. We are grateful to the Vice President and his office and are encouraged that POLITICO is finally paying such close attention to a Secretary of Homeland Security. We wish they would have for the last four years.”

Lesson learned. Don't keep anyone in Washington D.C. waiting.

10 Most Dangerous Cities in South Dakota

Cities on the east and west side of the Missouri River have made the latest list of South Dakota's Most Dangerous Cities for 2021.

Roadsnacks recently released its most 'Dangerous Cities' list and here in The Mount Rushmore state there are a few surprises, especially at the top. To determine the most dangerous cities in the state, Roadsnacks looked at the FBI's report on the latest violent crime, along with property crime statistics.

And surprisingly, the town with the most murders per capita in the state has less than 3,000 residents. Take a look at the list below.

For a look at the detailed list, visit Story Source: Roadsncaks

11 Famous People from South Dakota

OK, so we're not Hollywood, but there are a number of famous people who were born in the Rushmore State. Here's a list of 10 famous people who were born in South Dakota!

Gallery Credit: Danny V

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