Over on Stacker, you can find its list of the most expensive zip codes in the state of South Dakota.

So, which areas of the Mount Rushmore State have the most expensive homes on average? Well, if you live in the city of Sioux Falls, one of the zip codes could be the one you call home.

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Credit: Google Maps

The 5 Most Expensive Zip Codes in SD

To see where your zip code lands on the list, check out the full study by Stacker here.

Story Source: Stacker

10 Small-Town South Dakota Restaurants That Are Worth The Drive

The Sioux Empire is full of restaurants that are long-known to be local favorites.

Sure, they might be a short drive from home, but you won't regret the experience at these hometown mainstays.

Here are 10 of the best small-town restaurants in South Dakota.

Gallery Credit: Andy Gott