There are many who have trusted Farmer's Almanac predictions for decades when they issue long-term weather forecasts. If you're one of them, you'll probably want to know that they have just red flagged Missouri for a week in January that concerns them.

I was under the impression that Farmer's Almanac had already issued their winter forecast for Missouri and the rest of the country. However, there's a new (to me anyway) detail that has just been added and it concerns one specific week in January. Here's the key phrase:

"We are “red flagging” the final week of January"

Why is Farmer's Almanac suddenly concerned about Missouri and the rest of the Midwest at the end of January?

They are predicting "a very active storm track that we expect will deliver frequent bouts of heavy precipitation, as well as strong and gusty winds".

They advise everyone to watch out for the following dates:

January 20 to 23 and 24 to 27

For Missouri, they say "copious amounts of snow, rain, sleet, and ice" are possible during those days later in January.

How accurate is Farmer's Almanac?

They claim their forecasts are somewhere in the neighborhood of 80%, but not everyone agrees. Climavision says it's more like 52% arguing that modern meteorology has made Farmer's Almanac irrelevant. That might be true, but there are many that still are convinced it's the go-to place for winter predictions.

If they're correct, the end of January is gonna be a doozie in Missouri. 

26 Winter Storm Names That Will Bury Missouri & Illinois

Gallery Credit: Canva

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