Sioux Falls Woman Falls Victim to Jury Duty Scam
Sioux Falls Police say a local woman fell victim to a jury duty scam.
"We had a woman that received a phone call from somebody claiming she missed jury duty. There were actually a couple of people on the line. They told the woman there was a fine that was involved," explained Public Information Officer Sam Clemens.
"The amount started at $800 and went down to $500. They were able to convince the woman the call was legitimate. They convinced her she needed to get prepaid credit cards."
That's just the Sioux Falls woman did!
"Unfortunately, the victim went to a store and purchased the prepaid cards for $500. She then gave the scammers the number over the phone. After that she went down to the courthouse to talk with somebody. That's when she learned it was a scam. She had not missed any jury duty."
If you get one of these calls, Clemens says the best thing you can do is to hung up the phone.
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