I'm born and raised in Parker, SD. I'm a single mom of 2 fabulous daughters. I have worked in radio for over 11 years total. I am addicted to facebook, pinterest and twitter. I enjoy going to concerts, karaoke, doing all kinds of random things, spending time with my daughters, photography and decorating. My favorite music is a hard one to pin point. I love everything from 80's rock and pop to everything we play on Hot 104.7. I also love ACDC and Kenny Rogers!
Andy & Mel Podcast 02/28/13 Mel’s Last Show
Mel's Last Show
A Goodbye From Mel [PHOTOS]
First off, I just want to thank the listeners for tuning in every day. It's the thing I will miss the most about not being on the air. Whenever I was out at a concert or live broadcast I always got a kick out of how much they paid attention and cared about my life...
Andy & Mel Podcast 02/2/13
Andy & Mel podcast. It's the 2nd to last day for Mel to be on the show!
Ultimate Showing of Sportsmanship [VIDEO]
Great Story of Incredible Sportsmanship
Andy & Mel Podcast 02/26/13
Andy & Mel Podcast for 02/26/13. We talk about the MMA SD stuff, what you are willing to pay good money for and MTV's Catfish Interview!
The Spill Canvas Announce a Nick Thomas Solo Album [VIDEO]
Sioux Falls own The Spill Canvas Announcement
Want to be on Season 2 of MTV’s ‘Catfish’?
MTV's Catfish is Looking for Sioux Falls Applicants.
Andy & Mel Podcast 02/25/13
Happy Monday! We talk about that Award show that was on last night and if a stay at home Dad should be offended by his wife giving him an allowance.
Have You Witnessed a Random Act of Kindness?
This weekend I went to the Black Hills with some friends for a weekend getaway. We decided to go to Jake's in Deadwood for dinner. If you don't know "Jake's" is Kevin Costner's restaurant.
This older gentleman comes up to our table and asks my friend Justin if he and Amanda are a couple...
Happy Birthday Andy! Here Are Pictures of Him as a Kid [PHOTO]
It's Andy's Birthday! I had his Mom send me some pictures of him as a kid! It's ok to laugh, he had some rocking hair going on. I think he wore that same flannel to work earlier this week.
Hope you have a great birthday Andy!