Two words can change the outlook of an entire construction project.  Weather permitting.  Opening the intersection at 10th and Sycamore was one shower away from completion.

On Tuesday the word was issued from the South Dakota Department of Transportation that the long-awaited expansion of the major Sioux Falls junction was nearly complete.

However, the morning to early afternoon rain scuttled the plans.  The new surface can handle traffic, but the appropriate striping was not applied due to the wet conditions.  In the application of the appropriate pavement markings is very sensitive to weather.  So much so, that the company that manufactures the striping would not guarantee its effectiveness if the DOT had pushed forward with the project on Tuesday.

Thus, one more day is not too long to wait for full usage of 10th & Sycamore considering the months that have led to this.

Take one more look at the trek through the intersection and the workers furiously preparing for additional turning lanes on the east side boulevard.



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