
After Sandy Brook: A Plan to Repair What is Broken In Us
After Sandy Brook: A Plan to Repair What is Broken In Us
After Sandy Brook: A Plan to Repair What is Broken In Us
If I every buy a gun, it will be locked up in one place, ammunition in another. I will be more watchful of family and friends who seem to be struggling with the small and big stresses of life. My life has not and will not revolve around the trite, trivial, and trendy.
Gun Sales Surge, Just Like When Obama Was Elected the First Time
Gun Sales Surge, Just Like When Obama Was Elected the First Time
Gun Sales Surge, Just Like When Obama Was Elected the First Time
Following President Obama's victory last week, gun sales have spiked, much like they did in 2008 when he was first elected. Second Amendment supporters fear that a Democratic administration will tighten the screws on their ability to possess certain firearms, so the idea is to buy as many as possible while they're still available...
Lots of Guns Are Getting Past Airport Security and Onto Planes
Lots of Guns Are Getting Past Airport Security and Onto Planes
Lots of Guns Are Getting Past Airport Security and Onto Planes
Potentially hundreds of loaded handguns could be making it aboard commercial flights every day, rattling the nerves of many frequent flyers, as once again they have reason to question the safety of airline travel. Earlier last week, Transportation Security Administration baggage screeners unknowingly permitted the vice president of the New Orleans Hornets, Joshua Richardson, to board a flight to N