- Megan Fox was convinced she was going to give birth to Edward Cullen's baby. [Amy Grindhouse]

- Lady Gaga headed out for a party in a gimp mask. Because Lady Gaga.  [Bohomoth]

- Coco has her first night hosting Peep Show in Las Vegas and OH GOD OUR EYES OUR EYES. [Dlisted]

- Amanda Seyfried is obsessed with taxidermy animals and has a house full of them. [SeriouslyOMG]

- James Franco thinks Lindsay Lohan gets in trouble so she can sign imaginary book deals. [The Superficial]

- Justin Bieber gave away his pet hamster. Recipient had it bronzed. [PopCrush]

- Leonardo DiCaprio's new girlfriend isn't a model! Oh wait, she might as well be. [IDLYITW]

- We may get to enjoy Neil Patrick Harris on 'How I Met Your Mother' for another season. [ScreenCrush]

- 'Les Miserables' releases its epic medley 'One Day More' that even Russell Crowe can't ruin. [Rickey]

- 'Game of Thrones' gets longer episodes and its own lager. Drunkenness is coming. [Hypable]


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