The United State House voted 245-182 Tuesday in support of a Democratic effort to block President Trump's national emergency declaration to fund a wall on the United States/Mexico border.

South Dakota freshman Republican Representative Dusty Johnson was among 13 Republicans who supported the Democratic effort.

“For eight years under Obama, I complained about and fought against executive overreach. And frankly, Congress has done a pretty lousy job in the last 30 years," Johnson told KSFY TV. "They have given more and more of their power over to the executive branch and at some point, that's going to lead to an imperial presidency. That's not what we want.”

“We need to make sure that the checks and balances that were envisioned by our founders remain in place," Johnson went on to say. "That's really important.”

On the wall issue Rep. Dusty Johnson remarked:

“I voted with the President 100% of the time on appropriating funds for the wall. This is not about being against the wall,” Johnson continued. “I am going to support the president 100% of the time in days to come and months to come on appropriating funds for the wall. There is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it.”

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