Jordyn Foley, 12, came out on the 'X Factor' stage during tonight's (Sept. 27) audition episode looking like a cross between Britney Spears circa '...Baby One More Time' and Nicki Minaj. She was all pink and pigtails, schoolgirl-style, while singing 'Tomorrow' from the musical 'Annie,' which is a song Simon Cowell hates. Did that do her in?


The sun will come out tomorrow for Foley, since she got upstreamed to boot camp, with her only "no" coming from Cowell, of course. He hated the song and the performance, commenting loudly about his feelings during her rendition. The camera cut to him saying that he couldn't stand it.

Everyone else thought she was too cute for words, and she was. "I do actually like you," the acid-tongued judge said. "But for this show, I am going to say no."

So it was eventually up to L.A. Reid, who liked her theatrical quality and put her through.

She definitely had "stage kid" personality, where even her "thank yous," which she doled out every time the judges complimented her, sounded like they were rehearsed.

We will see Jordyn Foley again soon.

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