It's happened to a lot of us. (Some of us more often than others). You fly to a relative's home for the holidays and while you're on the plane you're seated next to a coughing, hacking, oozing pile of humanity and before you even land, you've already got a tickle in your throat. The first sign of the looming cold and/or flu plague you're about to suffer through!

You spend a good part of the holiday under a blanket with your arms wrapped around a large box of Kleenex, praying for sleep that won't come because only one, partially unobstructed nostril  is allowing air into your lungs. You're thinking death might be preferable to what you're going through.

Let's rewind shall we? How can you avoid getting sick this holiday season? As nice as it would be to think you could totally escape catching something from your ailing airline seatmate, there are some things you can do to up your chances of fighting off what they're spreading around.

  • Wash your hands - Just like Mom always told you
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes and/or touching your nose or mouth - these are all easy entry points for those nasty, wasty germs and bacteria
  • Get plenty of sleep - Yeah, I know, good advice, but who actually does?
  • Eat as nutritiously as possible - This will help to boost your immunity
  • Exercise - Mhm.
  • Laugh - Studies have shown that laughter is the best medicine in relieving stress which can affect your immune system
  • Drink more tea and (wait for it) wine - Yes, these are both immunity boosters packed with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory elements
  • Pamper yourself once-in-awhile - Whether it's a massage, just sitting and reading a favorite book, noshing on a cupcake or something else you rarely do for yourself but would love - -do it!

Stay well and Happy Holidays!


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