The summer months in South Dakota are going to vary a bit depending on what part of the state you are in, if you believe old school predictions.

According to the Farmers' Almanac, the north central United States is going to be generally hot and off and on rainy for most of the summer of 2019. Right around May 20 through 23 it is supposed to be rainy here in the 605.

Farmers Almanac
Farmers Almanac

When checked against my trusty copy of the Old Farmer's Almanac it is a little different prediction. The southeastern portion of South Dakota is supposed to be a little extra rainy in May, normal in June, dry in July, and slightly more wet in August. Temperatures are going to be a little warmer than average in May, but cooler than average in June, July, and August.

Andy Erickson/Hot 104.7
Andy Erickson/Hot 104.7

Northeastern South Dakota will be generally wet this summer, and have some relatively normal temps.

The western half of the state is supposed to be hot and dry, like it is pretty much every summer.

Our garden will probably get going for real next month. I'm looking forward to some more fresh homemade salsa that my wife makes.

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