With a nod to the buzz surrounding a popular television show’s adaptation of a death due to a house fire, Sioux Falls Fire Rescue seizes the moment so that more lives can be saved.

Approximately 27 million viewers saw the This Is Us episode following the Super Bowl on NBC television. If you aren’t familiar with the show, the main characters are a family of five and their unique life story, weaving tales of the present and past. All the while they leave bread crumbs along the way filling in the blanks with emotional vignettes to tie it all together.

In the episode on Sunday, the home in which Pearsons lived had no working smoke alarms and the entire family narrowly escaped. However in trying to get his family to escape the blaze and saving the family dog, the family’s patriarch Jack later dies at the hospital due to cardiac arrest that was exacerbated by inhaling massive amounts of smoke.

Enter Sioux Falls Fire Rescue who put together an ingenious video that plays off the emotions that are generated by the show. Plus SFFR touts the Department’s willingness to install smoke detectors for free in people’s place of residence.

In only 56 seconds, the message is delivered with the hopes that all who see will heed the advice. Someone’s life has got to be worth that. The Fire Department will install smoke alarms for free so please take them up on their offer.

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