Hi, Ben here, and I’m embarking on a mission to not be fat when I turn 42. To do that I’ve partnered with Profile by Sanford and I want to take you with me on my journey.

As I make my way through my Profile journey I have noticed many positive changes in my life. Of course there are the physical changes of my body and my increased energy. I'm feeling better in body and mind; and I'm told I'm looking better. But, I have also noticed some changes at home too, that effect my whole family.

My good eating habits are filtering down to the kids. When I stared Profile I talked to my two children about what I'm doing. They are old enough to understand what's going on. I wanted them to know why we wouldn't be going out to eat as much, for a while. I wanted them to know why I sometimes wouldn't be eating the same meals as them. This kind of stuff wasn't a huge shock to them. Not long before I started Profile my wife had begun power-lifting training; so diet, nutrition and fitness were already topics in the house.

The kids were enthusiastic about my journey and have been glad to call me out if it looks like I'm slipping. Also, by letting them into what I'm doing it seems to have made them better aware of what's good to put in their bodies. My diet has sparked many conversations about what certain foods do to the body. About how it's OK to have some junk food once in while, especially if you balance it with physical activity. But, to get the most out of ourselves we need to eat more plants and quality meat, and not eat sooooooo much sugar.

Profile Stuff
Photo: Ben Kuhns

These conversations, and the fact that we now have much more vegetables and other good options in the house, are leading to the kids eating better in general and thinking about being healthy.

Our house was never huge den of trash-food, but we'd emptied our share of two liters and chip bags. But now, little by little, I am seeing a shift in our home from a casual blindness to what is eaten, to an awareness of what's good and why.

This change is thanks to my Profile journey. As I am learning to eat and be healthy, and that knowledge is benefiting my family as much as it is me.

Keep up with Ben's journey by bookmarking Ben's blog. Got a question or comment? Connect on Twitter or email at ben@hot1047.com.

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